In the first place, consider the type of training that you are going to need and what kind of licensing you are going to need to deal with. For example, you will find that in the United States, you are going to need to look into the licensing requirements that are controlled by your local building officials. There are certain types of work that can only be performed by a journeyman electrician or a master electrician. While these ranks will vary from state to state, you will find that there is a great deal of interstate reciprocity that will allow you to work in places other than where you were trained. To further complicate the issue, you will find that when it comes to careers, not all states will offer a statewide master electrician license or even a statewide journeyman license.
When you want to jump-start your career as an electrician, take some time and consider the apprenticeship programs that are active in your area. These programs are usually three to seven years in length and they are performed under the supervision of a master electrician and under the direct supervision of a journeyman electrician. Before you can complete the apprenticeship program, you will discover that you will need to look into schooling in both electrical theory and electrical building codes. These programs are quite beneficial in that they will provide a salary to the apprentice during training and then there will be some help in getting placed afterward.
If you are looking at placement as an electrician, it can be worth your while to know a little more about the ranks involved in electrician work. For instance, once you have attained the journeyman level of operation, you will be a well-rounded craftsman who is trained in all phases of electrical construction installation in the various building styles. You should also be able to take care of any equipment after it has been installed. In the United States, a journeyman is an individual who can perform all types of electrical work. The only difference between a journeyman and a master is that a master is going to be equipped to design a full electrical plan from the ground up.
When you are looking at getting a career as an electrician, it is generally accepted that the best way to get started is to look into an apprenticeship program. At the same time, you can start taking classes on design and on electrical theory that will help you move towards your final certification. Make sure that you are aware of what your options are going to be and what your state requires. While being an apprentice does take some time, it is worth noting that you will be paid a living wage while you train. You will learn how to do the job and you will be doing it under the supervision of someone who knows what they are doing. In many cases, careers in electrician work get launched much more effectively and it neatly sidesteps the issue of needing experience to get a job, but needing a job to get experience.
Take some time and learn more about the ins and outs of the electrician's career. This might be the position that you need to consider and it might be the one that ends up suiting you the best. Consider what your options are and make sure that you are getting the results that you need.